Friday, April 29, 2005


Before I start going off about things in my life, I want to comment on something I saw on the news recently. President Bush was giving a speech about energy alternatives and getting our economy off of fossil fuels. During this he mentioned that he has budgeted $2 Billion over 10 years toward studying coal. The last time I checked, coal was fossil fuel. Nothing like having the best and brightest in charge. If you really want to get away from oil, look at this, the best step toward nuclear fusion that I've ever seen.

As for my life... All things considered, I'm a pretty easy going guy. However my biggest peeve is simple and found everywhere, stupidity. I tend to surround myself with people that aren't predisposed to being stupid, though everyone makes mistakes. This week has been prove of that. I went out with some friends last weekend, and found out that one of them had, at the age of 21, decided to just now start smoking. This is one of those things that I have zero tolerance for, and have gone to great lengths to get people to stop, at which I'm generally successful. It's just annoying that within weeks of getting one to stop, another starts. Fortunately the rest of that night last weekend was more than enough fun to make up for it (how did they think I could possibly dance, when I could hardly walk).

The other event that hit me pretty hard was finding out that a good friend might be pregnant. Of course it is a mistake on both people's parts, but I gave her boyfriend one simple instruction, and that was to take care of her. This was certainly not what I meant. Why can't people just listen when I tell them to do things, it would make everybody's lives so much easier.

Currently listening:
I Predict a Riot
By Kaiser Chiefs
Release date: 23 May, 2005

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