Tuesday, August 8, 2006

War Crimes

So, as Brian has said, the goings on in and around my apartment make us like TNT: We know drama. The assault on my sanity has been from multiple directions, both figuratively and geographically. The first front came out of the far south, and involved my best friend being wronged by those considered friends. The second front came from only a considerably closer distance, and was a return of someone and something I considered surprising, yet allowed me to exercise cautious optimism for, again, my best friend. The last major attack came from that which I have written about the past few days, an experience that while not particularly interesting in and of itself, quickly turned into something slightly disturbing. Smaller skirmishes abound but are of little consequence at the moment.

All of this has caused me to be unusually hostile, which is a fairly unusual reaction from me. Also, I generally don't look at things in absolutes, so what I say next, while not definitive, is a good approximation of how I feel right now.

If you are not my friend, than you are my enemy.

Again, this an abnormally hostile stance that I'm taking, but all will be well once those responsible are punished with the wicked blade of my vengeance. Woe unto ye nonbelievers, and remember my first commandment: Do not fuck with me or the people I care about.

Disclaimer: The above does not apply to most people that may read this. I love so many of you and know that you would not purposely do me harm. However there are some that may read this that will know they are implicated. Enjoy...

Friday, August 4, 2006

The Crackpots and These Women

What is it with women and trying to string guys along. I should preface this with the fact that this is not about me and is completely unrelated to the earlier entries from today. Besides being an inherently horrible thing to do, it causes an extra level of rage in me when it directed toward my best friend from not one, but two people. One of those two might read this, and if so....it would be in your best interest to speak to me....quickly.

On the previous topic....I still believe my decision was the appropriate one. I hope that the only person to disagree so far comes around given that it is that persons counsel I value above all others...

Drought Conditions (Redux)

So after reading the blog I posted, I decided to make it private for a little while, because I'm not sure I was as vague as I deemed necessary. So in the meantime, I'm just gonna say that this definitely changes things, if only a little. Perhaps I'll gain a little perspective on what some of the problems I've had are really all about.
Currently listening:
Us and Them
By Shinedown
Release date: 04 October, 2005

Drought Conditions

I've been thinking about what I was going to put here for over an hour now, and I'm still at a loss for words. I've been meaning to catch up with my writing to the variety of things going on, from multiple job changes at work to the realization of a serious guilt problem I've developed in regards to my family. However none of that is particularly near the forefront of my mind right now. As usual I'm going to be vague, if only because I don't quite grasp yet what happened.

I don't know what good I imagined could have come from what I was doing. I refused to carry out my normal thought process. I was curious as to what the outcome would be, but I underestimated it by a couple orders of magnitude. I didn't consider that if it went the direction I thought it would, than it was likely to continue inexorably down that path. And so it did, at least temporarily. Once the tipping point was crossed I immediately knew that I needed to put some serious thought into what was happening. I throroughly enjoyed the ride while it lasted, but am glad that I could continue to be objective given the circumstances. And the second best part....no immediate consequences (other than some pain....but that's another story), in fact it ended up being a little humorous....I guess. Now I just have to figure out what this does to the big picutre.

Latest Edit: I've just made this public again....now that the whole thing has more or less resolved itself. As the comment left on my latest blog says: I made the right decision. If you want to hear the whole story, and trust me, you probably do, just ask, cause I aint postin it here, lol.