Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I'm Always Workin', Slavin' Every Day

Gotta get away from that same old same old.
I need a chance, just to get away,
If you could hear me think, this is what I'd say.

Don't need nothin, but a good time, how can I resist.
Ain't lookin for nothin, but a good time, and it don't get better than this.

'Nothin But a Good Time' - Poison

I find it humorous how now if I go a while without writing, I start getting questions as to why, and when I'm going to again. I suppose I should either be flattered or disturbed. As for the why, well, honestly not much has been going on. Work has been up and down, as is to be expected this time of year. And everything else, while uneventful from a dramatic point of view, has been nothing but good times. All I've done is hang out with friends, a lot. And the worst that has gone on there is I've got people attempting to coerce me in to attempting something that is for lack of a better word, interesting. Now this may not have gone so well last time, but I find that to be irrelevant now. In fact I find it somewhat telling that in the face of all that happened, I have arrived at a point where I am mostly happy, especially over the last three weeks. It's funny thinking of how things have changed, and what has been absent in that span of time. I'd like to think its a coincidence, but I think most everyone would call shenanigans on that, and would go as far as to tell me "I told you so."

We are one week from 2008. I can hardly contain my excitement at this fact. I am willing to say that 2007 was in most ways a complete and utter disaster. However with the recent turn around, I have to believe that better days lay ahead. The fully optimistic view has things really hitting their stride around the 26th or 27th...and anyone who can figure out why will get two cookies (as one cookie did not entice many people the last time I offered a reward).

And by the way, fuck being back to work at 4:00am tomorrow. To every person that may be returning something tomorrow, I reserve the right to stab you for no good reason.

One event of note that I realize I never wrote about...I think I have now shaken the hand of the next President of the United States. Two down, hopefully.

They say winners keep score, so here are some current statistics and scores with no explanation for the sake of posterity and because I'm bored as I get ready for bed:
Me: 2 Cars: 0
Seven Day Theory: 2 Me: 0
Crappy Phone: 1 Ability to send one text message to 100 people: 0
Songs downloaded this month: 5,000
Songs integrated into music collection (I'm OCD about file names): 0
Minutes it took to say goodbye before leaving work Sunday: 35 <3

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