Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Catching Up

So I went back through my own blogs and it dawned on me that I have left some details of my recent life out. I mentioned that I had some other issues of note happening at the time of my mom's heart attack, but never expounded on it. To most of the people that would likely read this, all this is long since known, but for those that don't talk to me often, here is what else happened. I moved to Redmond, just north of Microsoft HQ. Found a nice two bedroom apartment with which I share with my best friend Steve. I also resigned my position with the Seattle Mariners. It was a hell of an experience, but for reasons I won't go into in a public forum, it was time to step aside. Unfortunately the job I hoped to get, in the front office of the Seattle Seahawks, didn't pan out. Their loss. Anyway, due to a strange twist of fate, I ended up at Best Buy. Not glamorous, and certainly not a place I want to be for a particularly long time, but it pays the bills, and has provided me the opportunity to meet some people that I hope to get to know very well. And for those that have asked or who may in the future, my mother ended up doing quite well after her ordeal. Indeed I almost took it harder than she did, what with questioning my own mortality and all. Think that catches me up. If you're reading this you should comment, I'm curious who actually is taking time to read these words I spew from my mouth. So until next time, goodnight all.
Currently watching:
The West Wing - The Complete Fifth Season
Release date: 06 December, 2005

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