Sunday, June 26, 2005

A Moment I Would Prefer Not To Repeat

So I'm sitting at work Wednesday doing a little project to blow time on during my little 4-hour shift. While I'm sitting there, I feel my phone begin to vibrate. I take it out to see who it is, and it looks to be my grandparents, the ones that are traveling the country at the moment. I figure I can call them later. However looking twice at my phone, I see that it is instead the grandparents that live in my hometown, and they are calling from their cell phone, which is unusual, especially since they know I'm at work. Before I can check the voicemail, they call again so I answer. My grandma had to pass along some news that I was shocked at to say the least. My mother, who is only 42 years old, had just had a heart attack. There was a brief moment where I feared the worst, but was quickly told that she was doing well all things considered. I was going back to my hometown this weekend anyway, but I, not surprisingly, left work almost immediately and headed back. Without going into all the details of the past 4 days, I feel fortunate to say that she is doing well. However in the course of all this, I have been thinking about a great many things. In recent years I have been forced to rethink the path on which my life was going. Though I've pretty much figured out what I need to do, this made me realize just how soon I need to do it. Perhaps this is exactly what I needed to finish all that I've set out to do. I'm sure I could go on for pages about what I'm thinking and feeling right now, but to be honest I can't process most of it yet. I have been fortunate in that I have had many friends at my side, or in my ear as the case may be, to help me through the past few days, a fact of which I am very grateful.

On a completely different though somewhat relevant note, I have always had a problem with smoking. The fact that my mom smoked was a point of great strife between us. One night that comes to mind was last Christmas Eve. I had just gotten into town and met up with her. She proceeded to light one up, something of which she knows I will not tolerate. I simply told her either she puts it out or I get in my car and drive back to Seattle. I will not impose my will on everyone, but I will most certainly do so when necessary to those closest to me. My point here is that I always thought I had reached the pinnacle the anti-smoking mountain if you will. I was wrong. Smoking was one of the major contributors to her heart attack. You can see where this may make me an even greater anti-smoking nazi.

Well, that pretty well covers what I can spit out for the moment, at least until I can have some more time to figure out everything that has happened this past week. Amazingly this wasn't the only event of note over the past few days, just by far the most important. The others, well, I'll get to those another time.
Currently listening:
Something to Be [DualDisc]
By Rob Thomas
Release date: 19 April, 2005

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