Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And We Lay Down On the Sand of the Sea

And before us animosity will stand and decree,
That we speak not of love, only blasphemy.
And in the distance, 6 others will curse me.
But that's alright, for I will watch them fall.

'7' - Prince

Today is pretty much fantastic. Coffee with Addie this morning. Errands with Charlene and Leota this afternoon. Trivia and watching the M's game with Katherine (and others perhaps?) on deck for this evening. As you'll read on you'll see why all I can say is that this week just keeps piling on more and more awesome. Definitely have been in need of that.

So dates keep getting pushed around so all I know is that the donation will be between the 10th and 17th at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, Oregon. Makes scheduling things a bit hard, but what can you do. What I can say is this, I think it will do me some good to be out of town for a while. Now this isn't for any bad reasons at all, merely to get some distance from all that is happening, and perhaps a little perspective. Things are great right now. I have tremendously little to complain about, and I am enjoying so many different things and people. I'm very optimistic about things at work, though the delays in the interview process are somewhat maddening. The donation thing has me excited, as does a secondary project I'm attempting based on it, details on that once I hash it out a bit more. I received an apology for things said about me that had cut me very deeply, but now make a lot more sense once an explanation was given (as it wasn't truly about me). But what kind of world would this be if I didn't have some problem to figure out. Unfortunately I haven't quite figured out the words yet that describe the problem (beyond what I allude to below), so you'll have to wait.

As for where we left off last time, part two of the conversation has come and gone, under circumstances that were slightly different (and by different I mean far less sober). It added a dimension to the discussion that was very unexpected. At least I think it was the change of sobriety that led to it, but I honestly don't know. A big part of round two is that I've been called on to talk about myself more, to explain what it is that has made me the person I am. I think I got out some of the more important details but it now predicates the need for a round three. I also was left wondering about some things left unsaid. Actually I take that back, also wondering about some things that very much were said. Regardless of what actually happens, I'm forced to ask myself a question. To what lengths will I go to find happiness. As someone who has been known as a moral compass for his friends, there comes a time when a man has to look after #1 first, and everyone else's feelings be damned.

I might have just reached that point.


  1. I say go be happy Stinger. That's all anyone could wish for you.

  2. I think it's possible to be happy and look out for yourself and still be the moral compass for your friends. (I, for one, need a moral compass).
