Sunday, July 8, 2007

It's the Terror of Knowing What This World Is About

Watching some good friends scream, let me out.
'Under Pressure' - David Bowie and Queen

I agree with what many people have said, that it is best to call things as you see them, to give the complete truth as best as any person can. But on the other hand, one has to wonder what battles are worth fighting. I almost started one such battle last night, but realized that no good could come of it and I walked away. In fact I had to do it twice in rapid succession, though that second one I threw out a bit of a warning shot. And the third battle that probably is worth fighting is, unless something happened at the time it was being fought, would be illegal. It's great realizing how much of it is completely futile. I will take solace knowing that people saw things in much the same light that I did.

It's a shame that the weekend ended on such a stupid note. However in spite of that it was good times all around. Good retirement party for Grandpa Win, good random BBQ Sunday evening, good music Saturday morning (and Sunday as I watched stuff I missed).

Though back briefly to the point of fighting battles. Life would be much easier for everyone if they would just listen to me. I believe I mentioned once that I instructed a man to take care of someone very dear to me and he failed. The width and breadth of his failure has became clearer to me today. The last time someone threatened those I care about to the degree that this person has, my intervention was swift. I sincerely hope to avoid such a scenario again. As my self-proclaimed trainer has said, it is my moral imperative to fight injustice wherever it may rear its ugly head. Oh how very right he is.

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