Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Many Times Can I Break Til I Shatter

Over the line can't define what I'm after.
I always turn the car around.
Give me a break let me make my own pattern.

All that it takes is some time but I'm shattered.
I always turn the car around.

'Shattered' - Of A Revolution

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. Now this involves a fairly broad definition of the term 'same thing,' but I think it works. While I like the fact that you people have such an easy time saying 'do this' or 'do that,' what you are forgetting is the sheer amount of baggage that I'm dealing with at this point. I'm all for the idea of moving on and for the most part (despite recent comments to the contrary, lol) have managed to do so, but the simple fact is that these ideas that come so easy to the rest of you, well they don't for me. One suggestion in particular that was made by roughly 362 people? I honestly thought about that exact thing for four minutes and fifty-eight seconds, but cannot comprehend what it takes to accomplish that. Something so minor for most is literally beyond what I can even process at this point. Where this gets even more complex is that even if I get past that, I still have what's next to deal with. I don't know how to be the person that step two would require.

You know what else makes this so great. This is almost as public as the ones before it. Yeah....I want to go through that embarassement and unpleasantness again. I love that so many are on my side, but given that what they say is to my mind, entirely in vein, what's the point?

I should find a way to block my ability to write these after say, 12:00am Tuesday, as I'm sure that would save me a good amount of writing. Especially writing while clinging to what remains of my coherent mind.

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